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If you have any questions regarding a malicious website or if you think you accidentally visited one, do not hesitate to reach out. Remember, clicking on the wrong link could cost you – you could lose money, personal data, and even put your loved ones and company at risk. Also, software updates will make your system more stable and often boost your system’s program performance as well. Software updates repair these security holes and vulnerabilities, fixes or removes bugs, and can even add new features and remove outdated ones. Often times, cyber criminals exploit known security problems in software. In addition to keeping your eye out for the red flags listed above, the best way to protect yourself from malicious websites is to keep your computer’s software and operating system up to date. For example, a pop-up that will show an interesting topic or click-bait.

  • Be careful clicking on links that redirects you to another place.
  • If you’re suspicious about a website, use the Google Transparency Report to see whether the website is currently dangerous to visit.
  • For example, you visit mns.com instead of msn.com.
  • Be careful with typos or misspellings in the URL address.
  • Most browsers will have a broken lock or a red ‘Not Secure’ next to the site name if the certificate is bad or the site isn’t trusted.
  • If the website does not have a trusted certificate or prompts that the site is unsecured, proceed with caution and make sure you are visiting the site you intended.
  • For example, “You are the 1,000 th visitor today”.
  • You have won a competition or free drawing.
  • The website may tell you that your computer already has malware and prompts you to download a repair tool.
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    The website asks you to download an invoice or receipt, such as a.Visiting a website automatically launches a download window.

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    The website asks you to download software, save a file, or run a program.Combat these attacks by practicing safe website browsing. Luckily, the breach was caught before the hackers had a chance to launch their attacks, saving these companies “millions in damages, downtime, and possible domino effect on supply chains.”ĭon’t let this happen to you. The end goal of these attacks was to cripple the company’s IT infrastructure in order to demand a multimillion dollar ransom.

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    Thirty-one organizations, including eight Fortune 500 companies, were compromised when employees clicked on these infected news sites. newspaper websites had been compromised by an injected malicious code. One attack in particular made major headlines, ‘ WastedLocker: Symantec Identifies Wave of Attacks Against U.S. In the last few weeks, we’ve seen a huge influx of malicious websites.

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